Saturday 21 November 2009

Everyone Can Learn To Cook Secret Restaurant Dishes At Home

While it is enjoyable to dine out now and again, there is nothing better than eating food that is prepared at home. Despite what many people think, you do not need to attend a fancy culinary school to cook delicious food just like the dishes you enjoy at your favorite restaurants. While for many, the secret to these famous restaurant recipes remains a mystery, the top secret recipes from America’s most popular restaurants have indeed been decoded. A new cookbook which has just been released to the public has finally solved the mystery behind America’s Most Wanted Recipes.

The CEO’s of these corporations do not want you to have these recipes. With the help of expert chef’s and thousands of kitchen testers, these copycat recipes have been fine tuned to taste exactly like the authentic restaurant versions. Finally, the secrets have been unlocked from the kitchens of Applebee’s, Boston Market, Chili’s, Hard Rock Café, KFC, Macaroni Grill, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Red Lobster, Taco Bell, T.G.I. Friday’s, Wendy’s & many more!

The bills from your favorite restaurants can sure add up at the end of the month. When you cook these same mouth watering meals in your own home, you save tons of money. You would be surprised to know that you probably have many of the necessary ingredients to prepare these copycat recipes already in your kitchen.

One of the most preferred copycat cookbooks available now is America’s Most Wanted Recipes which has just released a brand new second volume with over 100 newly tested recipe clones. Besides the accuracy of these recipes, America’s Most Wanted Recipes does a great job at making the cooking process a breeze. The recipes are easy to read and feature simple cooking instructions so people of all cooking abilities will be able to cook like a professional. Now you can impress your family and guests by preparing restaurant quality meals at home.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Copycat Restaurant Recipes For Home Cooking

If you enjoy eating out at restaurants quite regularly then you will undoubtedly have your own favorite restaurants and favorite dishes you always order when you go there. Eating out at restuarants all the itme can become costly after a while, sure it's great to get out, but if you are doing it 3 times a week or more it can add up quickly.

A solution is to enjoy your favorite meals at home by using restaurant copycat recipes. A copycat restuarant recipe is a specially researched and reverse engineered recipe created by experts through trial and error in order to capture the taste of a popular restaurant recipe that would otherwise be kept secret. Big chain restaurants and even smaller restaurants will jealously guard their recipe secrets so as to not lose business. You can however take advantage of other peoples experience in recreating these dishes by finding copycat restaurant recipes and cooking from them at home.

Following other peoples copycat recipes will take out all the guess work from cooking your favorite dishes at home. Why waste your time with trial and error trying to find the exact method to recapture a classic meal? Copycat restaurant recipe books can be found on the web by respected authors who will walk you through the simple step by step methods to cooking your favorite dishes. Many will give you instant download access to their books for a small price and you will be cooking away in no time.

You can create successful dinner parties and offer up a range of famous dishes that will amaze your guests and family. Not to mention of course the money you would save. Hundred's of previously secret recipes from some of America's most loved restaurants have been put together in Copycat restaurant recipe books that can be downloaded for immediate access. Best of all you don't need to be a superstar in the kitchen to get started, all you need is very basic cooking skills, even if you can only fry an egg, you'll be able to understand and recreate restaurant quality meals at home.

Check it out!

Friday 13 November 2009

Cooking Restaurant Meals at Home With Copycat Recipes

There is something about cooking at home that is so much more satisfying than eating out all the time. Not only can you save alot of money by cooking at home, it is also genuinely gratifying when there is great appreciation from friends and family eating your specially prepared meals.
Restaurant recipes are usually closely guarded secrets that are never revealled to the public. One obvious reason is that they don't want to lose business. There is a new trend sweeping cooking circles and that is restaurant copycat recipes. There are some sites on the web that specialize in selling copycat restaurant recipes and many are very good. The secret to copycat recipes is careful research. There are Ebooks available that contain hundreds of copycat restaurant recipes from some of America's most popular restaurant chains including Applebee’s, Chili’s, McDonalds, KFC, Boston Market, Hard Rock Café, Joe’s Crab Shack, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, The Soup Nazi, Outback Steakhouse and many many more. However, the Ebook that I have found to be particularly useful is the America's Secret recipe Ebook

While the restaurants themselves don't really want you to know their secrets, you know the old saying " imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

So if these recipes are jealously guarded secrets by the restaurants, how can you buy them in ebooks? Easy, because interested chefs and cooks from hundreds of backgrounds spend years reverse engineering the original recipes. What they come up with are copycat restaurant recipes which are true to the originals.These contibuting chefs recipes are compiled into ebooks that are available online such as America's Most Wanted Recipes book. It is hard to find many of the best copycat recipes for free,mainly because when someone finds out the secrets to a great recipe, they are not eager to share it lightly. The bright side though is that you can spend under $20 online and get incredibly large collections of restaurant copycat recipes and have them instantly downloadable so you can get cooking right away.

You don't need to be a master chef or have years of experiece to cook your favourite restaurant meals at home. When you get a good restaurant copycat recipe you can be sure you will impress anyone you cook for. Just find out their favourite dishes from their favourite resturant..go to your copycat recipe book and hit them with a surprise feast that will blow their mind, while saving you money at the same time.

Click here!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

How to Cook Authentic Copycat Restaurant Recipes

Everyone has favorite meals and favorite restaurants that they like to dine out at. Eating out several times a week at restaurants can be very expensive, particularly with a family to feed. As good as it is to eat out on occasions, there is nothing like cooking at home for yourself.

A sure fire way to impress family and friends is to cook copycat restaurant recipes at home. Everyone can enjoy their favorite dishes at family meals and parties. There are various sources of good copycat restaurant recipes on the web. Generally they are compiled into easy to download and read ebooks and can cover a wide range of recipes from various sources and restaurant chains. Popular copycat restaurant recipes from well known chains in America can be found such as: Applebee’s, Chili’s, McDonalds, KFC, Boston Market, Hard Rock Café, Joe’s Crab Shack, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse and many many more.

Some ebooks contain what are called restaurant copycat recipes, which are reverse engineered with years of research from contributing authors. This allows recipes of previously secret dishes with closely guarded ingredients and methods to be engineered and recreated for you to use. Some common copycat restaurant recipes are virtually identical in taste to the original restaurant recipes.
So what does this all mean? Simple, you can easily prepare meals at home that taste as good as your favorite restaurant dishes.

Not only can you impress family and friends when you cook copycat restaurant recipes…you can save alot of money. When you are typically eating out 3 times a week with a family at these popular restaurants, you are spending a lot of money every year. Preparing restaurant copycat recipes from home will save you a lot in the long term.

More resources for cooking copycat restaurant recipes at home can be found Here!

Click Here!